Schaumkelle . RTT Hypnotherapy & Energy Healing (15D)
Unleash your inner Life forceRapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) delivers fast, effective results and helps you achieve freedom from physical, emotional and psychological pain

Transform your life
Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) is a pioneering therapy based on neuroscience, that offers fast, effective results by combining the most beneficial principles of Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy, NLP and CBT.
RTT delivers extraordinary, permanent change from physical, emotional and psychological pain by accessing our core beliefs, values, habits and emotions that are reside in the subconscious. We’ve all tried the willpower trick, the promises to ourselves, the affirmations, accountability and acceptance programs. Why don’t they work? For a habit of action to take root, you must FIRST change your habit of thought. The way the minds works is that the conscious mind (the logical, rational part) often gets overridden by thoughts and beliefs within subconscious mind.
Heal in using your whole mind
Rapidly rewiring the Neural Pathways
By rapidly rewiring the neural pathways of the brain, RTT replaces our out-dated belief systems and negative patterns of behaviour. New life-affirming beliefs are formed and the healing process begins, using the power of the subconscious. So, if you want to break free of what is holding you back, if you want to perform at your best, you need to use your whole mind. That’s where Rapid Transformation Therapy comes into play – it will transform your life.
Unparalleled results because it works rapidly
- Get Clarity
- Understanding is Power
- Rapid Transformation
Transform Your Life
Imagine your life without all the pain…
RTT is effective with a broad range of issues and conditions not necessarily listed here. Get in touch to see how Rapid Transformation Therapy will transform your life.
Rapid Transformational Therapy is proven to successfully treat the following issues:
Addictions – alcohol, drugs, smoking, gambling
Anxiety and Depression
Anorexia and Bulimia
Confidence and Self-esteem
Achieving Goals, Motivation
Fears and Phobias
Grief and Trauma
Stress, Nerves
Physical and Chronic pain, Migraines, IBS
Relationships, Sexual Problems
Weight Problems
Many other issues
RTT Hypnotherapy Session
What happen next
Your FREE Session
Your FREE “Transform Your Life” Session
A confidential fifteen minute discovery call to briefly discuss your issue and how would like to transform your life.
You are provided with an opportunity to ask questions or gain clarity.
You can then be sure of how I can help you.
To get in touch,
please contact me on
+44(0)7712 400289 or email
Your RTT Session
Your session can take place in person, in either of my London practice (Kidbrooke) or via Skype / Zoom.
During your session, there will be an initial 15 – 20 minute consultation where we will discuss what you would like to change and what your desired outcome would be – this allows your therapy to be tailored to you.
This is followed by your therapy, which includes hypnosis and usually, regression.
Usually during the last part of your session, I create a personalised recording for you.
Prior to the session you will be sent a confidential Client Intake Form which will need to be read, signed and returned, before our session. You will also receive a copy of my Terms and Conditions.
Your Participation
After your session, I will email your personal recording. You can download it onto your mobile or computer.
It is vital that you listen your recording daily for at least 21 days after our consultation.
The recording is designed around your specific needs and goals and it is by repeatedly listening to these new, positive beliefs that you will break old, unwanted behaviours and thought processes.
I will check in with you regularly via email / phone / text messages to support you throughout the process. This is included in your session fee.
I will then set up a follow up review appointment, after 21 days has passed.
Please note: Some more complex and challenging issues may require up to three sessions.
RTT is a form of Neuroscience
Rapid Transformational Therapy is a form of neuroscience as it gets the brain neurons to change through a process of repetitive words, commands or actions. It is a practical rather than a medical form of neuroscience, as anything done with repetition creates a pattern or neural network in the brain. What RTT does is replace negative networks with healthy ones, making it a powerful force for overcoming fears, conquering phobias, and for reaching health, wellness, and professional goals. It gives you the staying power to stop smoking, achieve significant weight loss, and resolve many other issues.
Rapid Transformational Therapy uses hypnosis as an inroad. The form of relaxation experienced under hypnosis is essentially a quieting of the nervous system. It induces a relaxed state of mind, a space for communication between the conscious and unconscious minds, as well as a heightened state of suggestibility. Researchers theorise that during hypnosis, we experience far more of our brain’s tremendous ability, as compared to what is usually blocked by left brain dominance.
The science behind hypnosis is impressive and growing. Public bodies such as the National Health Service here in the UK, have incorporated hypnotherapy into their portfolio of treatments, particularly around anxiety, childbirth and depression. Hypnotherapy is becoming more mainstream. A growing number of journal articles demonstrate positive effects of hypnosis treatment.
Clinical studies proving the effectiveness of Hypnosis (RTT) Here are a number of studies that prove how effective hypnosis can be in helping with a variety of issues.
What is Hypnosis? Medical News Today. A recent review published in the journal Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews has defined hypnosis as a kind of top-down regulation of conscious awareness, a process in which “mental representations […] override physiology, perception, and behavior.”
Wall Street Journal – Medical Hypnosis: You are getting very healthy. Scientific evidence is mounting that hypnosis can be effective in easing pain, lowering high blood pressure, controlling asthma, minimising hot flushes, facilitating childbirth and relieving side effects from chemotherapy.
Susanne Schaumkelle
About the Therapist
I am a certified Hypnotherapist and Rapid Transformational Therapist, and use this hybrid therapy to help my clients completely transform their lives. I have seen life-changing results and I can help you achieve freedom from addictions, anxiety, depression, fears and phobias, stress, smoking, weight issues and so much more, with this powerful therapy.
After going through many life-changing experiences, and having undertaken numerous and extensive courses in personal development, in order to help myself, my family and others, a personal journey of self-discovery led to me train as an Transformational Coach and Energy Healer. Interested in the mind-body connection, I became passionate about finding methods that would enable rapid healing and offer long-lasting freedom from not only physical, but emotional and psychological pain as well. I discovered Rapid Transformational Therapy and had the opportunity to be personally trained by Marissa Peer – world-renowned and highly acclaimed psychologist and hypnotherapist – who developed RTT.
I am available for personal consultations in my private practice, based in London Kidbrooke. Sessions can also be conducted worldwide via Skype or Zoom, which are as equally effective.
If you are looking for permanent change, please contact me at 00 44 (0) 7712 400289 or via email to see how Rapid Transformation Therapy will transform your life.
Susanne Schaumkelle // Spiritual Mindset Coach
Licensed & Certified Advanced RTT Hypnotherapist
and Energy Healer (15D)

Contact me to begin your transformation
Get in Touch
00 44 (0) 7712 40028
London – Kidbrooke
Worldwide – Skype / Zoom
+44 (0) 7712 400289
Monday – Friday:
9pm – 11pm (Skype / Zoom)
Friday: 9am – 3pm (Practice)
Weekends: Please enquire
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